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Facebook Jobs: A Comprehensive Guide for Employers

The process of finding a job, or finding the perfect employee, can be a daunting and time-consuming task. With the evolution of social media, we now have access to a wider pool of job opportunities, and employers now have new avenues to search for the right candidates.

One such avenue is Facebook Jobs, a feature that was introduced by Facebook in 2017 and has since grown in popularity. Facebook Jobs allows businesses to post job ads on their Facebook pages and the Newsfeed.

In this article, we will discuss the concept of Facebook Jobs, the features, and its benefits for employers. What is Facebook Jobs?

Facebook Jobs is a feature that allows businesses to post job listings on their Facebook page. These job listings appear in the Newsfeed, and Facebook users can easily access them.

Job listings on Facebook Jobs can also be shared on other Facebook Pages, making the reach even wider. Facebook Jobs gives employers the ability to post job openings on their business page with a short description and a longer job posting.

When a potential candidate clicks on the job ad, they are directed to a dedicated job application page which allows them to apply without leaving Facebook.

Features of Facebook Jobs for Businesses

1. Job Ads on Business Pages

Facebook Jobs allows businesses to list job openings on their Facebook pages.

The job ads can be customized, and employers can use text, images, and even video to showcase their brand and culture. Employers can also specify the job requirements, preferred qualifications, and salary range.

2. Job Listings on the Newsfeed

When a job ad is created on Facebook Jobs, it appears in the Newsfeed of users who are within the targeted location.

The job ad is categorized by job type, making it easier for potential candidates to find it. 3.

Job Applications through Facebook

Facebook Jobs allows potential candidates to apply for jobs without leaving the Facebook platform. When a person clicks on a job ad, they are directed to a job opening page, where they can submit their information and resume.

Facebook has built-in autofill to help job seekers apply faster. 4.

Easy Candidate Tracking

Facebook Jobs allows employers to manage job applications within the platform. The employers have access to the applicant’s resume, application, and contact information.

They can organize and track high potential candidates through the Jobs Manager hub. 5.

Positive Employer Branding

Facebook Jobs not only helps employers in finding the right talent but also helps in showcasing their employer brand. The job ads are then shared on the business’s Facebook page, creating an overall positive impression on their social media platform.

Benefits of Facebook Jobs for Employers

1. Wider Reach

Through Facebook Jobs, employers can reach a larger pool of potential candidates.

Job ads can be shared on the business’s page and on other pages which the company Facebook page likes or is affiliated with. 2.

Easy Application Process

With Facebook Jobs, employers can set up an easy application process. Job seekers can use their Facebook profile information to apply for job openings quickly.

The autofill feature offers faster application completion. 3.


Facebook Jobs is cost-effective. The job ads are free to post on your business page and can be boosted at an additional cost.

By creating an effective advertisement, employers can increase their chances of finding the right candidate without breaking the bank. 4.

Fast Hiring Process

The easy application process allows for faster hiring. Employers can screen candidates more effectively and make quicker hiring decisions.


In conclusion, Facebook Jobs is an excellent tool for employers to advertise job openings and find the right fit for their company. With its easy-to-use interface, affordability, and the ability to showcase an employer brand, posting job ads on Facebook Jobs is a straightforward and cost-effective way to attract the right candidates.

By using this feature, companies can increase their reach, track top candidates, and screen new hires quickly and efficiently. With these benefits, Facebook Jobs provide a perfect solution for businesses on the lookout for new hires.

What Happened to Facebook Jobs? When Facebook launched its job posting feature in 2017, it was seen as a game-changer in the recruitment industry.

The Jobs feature created a new revenue stream for Facebook while providing job seekers with an efficient platform to apply for jobs. However, like many of Facebook’s other experimental business lines, the Jobs feature has gone through significant changes over the years, and in some cases, has been discontinued entirely.

Facebook’s History of Experimentation with New Business Lines

Facebook is known for experimenting with innovative new business lines. From its early days as a social networking site, Facebook has evolved into a service provider with a broad range of digital products, including video calling, online shopping, and cryptocurrency.

While many of these ventures have been successful, others have failed to gain traction, resulting in their discontinuation.

Launch of Jobs Product and Partnership with ZipRecruiter

In 2017, Facebook launched the Jobs product, which allowed businesses to post job openings on their pages and receive applications through the platform. The company partnered with ZipRecruiter, an online employment marketplace, to help businesses simplify the hiring process further.

The partnership allowed employers to create job ads through ZipRecruiter’s interface and distribute them across Facebook. The Jobs product allowed job seekers to find suitable job openings with ease.

Controversy Around Age Discrimination and Class-Action Lawsuit Against Facebook

In 2018, Facebook became the subject of a class-action lawsuit alleging age discrimination related to the advertisement of job listings. The lawsuit claimed that Facebook’s targeted advertising system allowed for age restrictions to be set, leading to job postings being exclusively shown to young adults, in violation of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.

Expansion of Jobs Feature to 40 Territories and Updates to Business Pages

Despite the controversy surrounding the Jobs feature, Facebook expanded the tool to over 40 territories, including India and Latin America. The company also announced updates to business pages to provide a more significant impact for job postings.

Facebook’s Targeted Advertising System Overhaul and Settlement of Class-Action Lawsuit

In 2019, Facebook overhauled its targeted advertising system related to job postings. The overhaul addressed the age-discrimination allegations raised in the previous class-action lawsuit and prohibited limiting job ads to specific age groups.

In addition, Facebook settled the lawsuit with the plaintiffs for $5 million, which was distributed amongst job seekers who claimed that they were impacted by age discrimination.

USC Audit of Ad Targeting System and Sunset of Jobs Feature for Most Users

In 2021, the University of Southern California (USC) conducted an audit of Facebook’s ad targeting system, specifically with regards to demographic targeting in job ads. The audit found that while Facebook had implemented some changes to its ad targeting policies, further improvements needed to be made to prevent potential discrimination.

As a result of the audit, Facebook announced the sunset of the Jobs feature for most users. While businesses and clients in some regions could still post job openings on their pages, the Jobs tab on business pages is no longer available for most users.

Why Was Facebook Jobs Shut Down? The sunset of the Jobs feature has led to speculation about its lack of popularity among Facebook users.

However, privacy laws in the European Union (EU) are another factor that led to the shutdown. The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) requires that data subjects must be able to delete their information, and data controllers can only store data for as long as they have consent.

Given that job applicants’ data would not have been necessary for ongoing business purposes, Facebook would have had to delete the data periodicallyan additional workload for businesses and Facebook.


Facebook Jobs was a promising tool for employers looking to hire new talent efficiently. However, its discontinuation highlights the challenges social media giants face in diversifying their business lines and the complications that arise when targeting ads based on demographics such as age.

The sunset of the Jobs feature could also be linked to the Great Resignation, where increased job mobility caused a decline in job postings, leading Facebook to focus on more profitable ventures. In conclusion, the Facebook Jobs feature was a promising tool for businesses looking to hire employees.

However, it went through several changes over the years, resulting in its discontinuation. The challenges social media giants face in diversifying their business lines, the controversy surrounding targeted advertisement, and privacy laws were among the reasons behind its sunset.

Despite this, Facebook’s experiment with job postings highlights the importance of digital recruitment platforms, which can provide job seekers with a streamlined access to job openings while providing businesses with a wider reach. As social media continues to evolve, digital recruitment platforms will become increasingly important, and businesses must continue to adapt to keep up with the changing landscape of recruitment.

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